Ancient breed of horses - Arabian thoroughbred (part 2)
Using The main focus for the Arabian breed of horses is considered to be participating in various competitions. These are exhibitions and shows, smooth races at racetracks, distance runs. Animals…

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Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo
The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not…

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Height at withers up to 175 cm; the typical suit is gray, but there is also a crow. Designed for work requiring special strength and endurance, they are also very…

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Akhal-Teke – reference riding horse (part 2)

Akhal-Teke variety of horses

Despite the fact that the Akhal-Teke residents have a rather colorful appearance and characteristic features of the exterior, they also have some individual distinctive features.

Inside the breed, experts distinguish three types of horses – the main one, whose representatives are tall and have long body lines, the middle – these horses are not as large as the first, and massive – the most wide-bodied individuals. As travelers’ notes tell us, such a division existed many years ago. Continue reading

Features of the riding Budennovskaya breed of horses (part 2)
The Budyonnovsky breed of horses is grown exclusively in herds. As they graze on limited pastures, wayward and naughty mares are found that interfere with everyone else. Such individuals need…


Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo
The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not…


Shire (English heavy truck) is a British breed of heavy truck horses. Horses of this breed are tall (165-185 cm at the withers, sometimes up to 219). Shires at different…
