Oryol breed - the pride of Russian horse breeding (part 1)
The Oryol trotter breed was bred in the distant 18th century at the Khrenovsky stud farm of Count Orlov. One of the distinguishing features is the ability to frisk trot…

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Paso Fine
Paso Fino is a proud past and one of the oldest native breeds of the Western Hemisphere. The history of these noble animals began in Spain, where, thanks to crosses,…

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The Mustang is a semi-wild horse of the American prairies. The Mustangs were the riding horses of the Indians. Different tribes of Indians chose animals of different suits. Cheyenne Indians…

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Russian heavy truck is an excellent muscular horse

Representatives of this breed are quite frisky and small in comparison with other heavy trucks. Horses have a muscular body, a medium-sized head with a straight profile. The animals have a thick mane, and there are also brushes on the limbs. The horses’ neck is wide, short and fleshy, the back is soft, the lower back is even and powerful. Croup – bifurcated, with a normal slope and width. Photo of a Russian heavy-horse breed horse The limbs of Russian heavy-duty vehicles are short, but strong and dry, hind legs are often saber fenders. The color of the breed is usually red-roan, bay, and only occasionally – black individuals. Modern representatives reach 150 cm at the withers. The average chest circumference is 184 cm, the oblique length is 154 cm, and the metacarpal circumference is 21 cm. The mass of males is up to 700 kg, females up to 600 kg.

There are three lines of Russian heavy trucks:

Massive type, the largest
Ural type, with long and round legs
Novoaleksandrovsky type, with fleshy croup and smaller dimensions
Breed breeding
The breed was formed at the turn of the 19-20 centuries in Russia. They got it thanks to the absorbing crossing of local harness horses and the Ardenes from Belgium. Among the ancestors of Russian heavy trucks, the features of the Ardenes began to prevail, although Persherons and Orlov trotters also participated in the formation of the breed. Scientists from the Petrovsky Academy were engaged in breeding, and already in 1900 horses were shown at the Paris exhibition. The stallion of the breed Russian heavy truck in the meadow

Unfortunately, the breed almost disappeared due to the First World War, after it less than 100 individuals remained, and during the Second World thoroughbred mares and stallions were almost completely cut out. A small number of animals survived and was preserved, and after the war the breed was restored. It was officially registered in 1952.

The morals of the horses are balanced and good-natured.

Russian heavy trucks are quite energetic at work. A plus is their unpretentiousness to feed and conditions of detention.

In addition, they are quite obedient to work and are well trained. Horses are hardy at trotting and striding. The breed is distinguished by its precocity. Animals reach maturity within 3 years, and life expectancy is an average of 25 years. Newborn babies weigh 250 kg, and after a year and a half the height of the young is 95% of the adult animal. At the same age, the mass of a horse reaches 75% of the mass of a mature individual.

For good development, it is recommended that horses in the stall period be fed with cereal and bean hay, mixing juicy foods with it. In the pasture period, a meadow with rich grass and few concentrates is desirable. In a random period, moderate exercise is desirable. Even in winter it is advisable to let young growth out for walks.

Russian heavy trucks are used in agricultural work, which produces the best working qualities in them. They have excellent draft form and live weight, due to which they also act as improvers of local northern breeds. They also note their resistance to frost. Russian heavy truck in the meadow

Mares are distinguished by good milk yield – for full lactation they can produce more than 2500 liters of milk. Tasty milk, usually used to make koumiss.

Breeding breeds usually use purebred line breeding. Work with it is ongoing now, both in Russia and in neighboring countries. In any latitude, animals are perfectly acclimatized.

According to the characteristics of the Russian heavy vehicles belong to the small heavy type. The main purpose of animals is in agriculture, both in the form of a working and breeding horse. In addition, great milk productivity and excellent meat qualities are appreciated. If you need an irreplaceable and unpretentious assistant on the farm – you can safely choose this breed.

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