He left the following description of horses that were used for riding by Ingush mountaineers: “Horses in the mountains are small, but hardy, light on the move” [12, p. 372].…

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Icelandic horse
Icelandic horse is a breed of horse raised in Iceland. Its characteristic features are small stature (up to 144 cm at the withers), stocky and rough, large head, shaggy dense…

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Features of the most popular sports breed Hanover (part 1)
The appearance of Hanoverian horses combines beauty and strength. An important role in the appearance of this breed was played by the English king George II, who was simultaneously the…

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The history of origin and features of Bashkir horses

The Bashkir horse breed was known in antiquity by numerous descriptions. It occurred, as it is believed, from the crossing of forest north horses brought from Asia steppes. The breed is interesting in that it is close to the tarps – wild horses, now completely exterminated.

Herd of Bashkir horses

The tarpans were small in size, with a furry suit. Bashkir horses are often savras or salty, but otherwise very similar to extinct ancestors. Initially, they were grown by Bashkirs on their territory, hence the name of the breed. Bashkiria is characterized by sharp differences in soil, climate and vegetation. The horses brought down during the resettlement by the Bashkirs had to adapt to new living conditions. Continue reading

Andalusian horse: description, character and breeding of the breed (part 2)

Breeding and use
The breeding of these elite horses continues to be dealt with by private breeders living in Spain. The majority of these purebred stallions are raised in Andalusia. There, everyone can watch how a small timid foal eventually becomes a stately and graceful horse. The Spaniards like to call the Andalusians “nuestro bondage”, which can be translated from their native language as “our horse”.

Andalusian bay with foal

When breeding animals, their maintenance is usually carried out in harsh conditions. Grazing mares occurs almost year-round. Continue reading

German half-breed Holstein breed of horses
This wonderful breed of horses can rightfully be proud of its rather long history. Once such horses were indispensable for riders during the war, because the courage and balanced nature…


Friesian breed - elegant Dutch horse (part 1)
The Friesian horse breed has an easily recognizable exterior. The following parameters are characteristic of this species: the head is quite elongated and large with very expressive eyes. She has…


The horse played an important role in the life of Ossetians. In almost all written sources mentioning Ossetians, one can always find reports of their horses [2; 7; 8; 13;…
