Features of the riding Budennovskaya breed of horses (part 2)
The Budyonnovsky breed of horses is grown exclusively in herds. As they graze on limited pastures, wayward and naughty mares are found that interfere with everyone else. Such individuals need to be excluded, because among thoroughbred horses complaisance, intelligence, contact and lack of aggression are appreciated.
Foals from mothers are taken away in October-November. It is noteworthy that young animals born from February to May are weaned at the same time. Before this, the foals need to be milled, but only in a cold way. The brand must have the emblem of the plant, the year of birth of the animal and its individual number.
Budennovskaya breed of horse Continue reading
The history of origin and features of Bashkir horses
The Bashkir horse breed was known in antiquity by numerous descriptions. It occurred, as it is believed, from the crossing of forest north horses brought from Asia steppes. The breed is interesting in that it is close to the tarps – wild horses, now completely exterminated.
Herd of Bashkir horses
The tarpans were small in size, with a furry suit. Bashkir horses are often savras or salty, but otherwise very similar to extinct ancestors. Initially, they were grown by Bashkirs on their territory, hence the name of the breed. Bashkiria is characterized by sharp differences in soil, climate and vegetation. The horses brought down during the resettlement by the Bashkirs had to adapt to new living conditions. Continue reading