German half-breed Holstein breed of horses
This wonderful breed of horses can rightfully be proud of its rather long history. Once such horses were indispensable for riders during the war, because the courage and balanced nature…

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Budennovskaya breed of horses
A relatively young breed was bred as a result of crossbreeding of Don and Black Sea mares with thoroughbred horse stallions (the Black Sea breed was used by the Cossacks…

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French sel
Creation and Development The history of the modern French seldom breed began in the 19th century in horse breeding areas of Normandy, where local and often rude Norman mares happened…

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Russian heavy truck is an excellent muscular horse

Representatives of this breed are quite frisky and small in comparison with other heavy trucks. Horses have a muscular body, a medium-sized head with a straight profile. The animals have a thick mane, and there are also brushes on the limbs. The horses’ neck is wide, short and fleshy, the back is soft, the lower back is even and powerful. Croup – bifurcated, with a normal slope and width. Photo of a Russian heavy-horse breed horse The limbs of Russian heavy-duty vehicles are short, but strong and dry, hind legs are often saber fenders. The color of the breed is usually red-roan, bay, and only occasionally – black individuals. Modern representatives reach 150 cm at the withers. The average chest circumference is 184 cm, the oblique length is 154 cm, and the metacarpal circumference is 21 cm. The mass of males is up to 700 kg, females up to 600 kg.

There are three lines of Russian heavy trucks: Continue reading

American painthorse
History American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history…


Russian scientists found out how modern horse breeds appeared
Using cutting-edge DNA research methods, an international research team of archaeologists, geneticists and evolutionary biologists from 85 scientific institutions around the world has collected genomic data that spans the last…


Universal breed of horses Karachaevskaya - a real highlander
Experts say that the Karachay breed of horses was fully formed closer to the 15th century in Elbrus region. It was here, among the amazing picturesque nature, on the pastures…
