Although some believe that only Arabian and English thoroughbred belong to purebred breeds. The remaining breeds are considered warm-blooded or half-blooded. About horses of other breeds, one can say purebred,…

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Marvarian horse (part 2)
Breed description Bouncing marvari The average growth of marvari is 152-163 cm. Horses originating from different parts of India, as a rule, have a height in the range of 142-173…

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Features of the most popular sports breed Hanover (part 2)
Description Outwardly, the Hannover horses have an almost perfect exterior. These are true horse athletes. The features of the English individuals are clearly visible in the breed, with a good…

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French sel

Creation and Development
The history of the modern French seldom breed began in the 19th century in horse breeding areas of Normandy, where local and often rude Norman mares happened to have thoroughbred horse stallions imported from England, as well as English half-blood stallions and stallions of some of the most important Norfolk horse breeding lines. At that time, English half-blood stallions actually had obvious features and character of the Norfolk riding breed.

With their usual insight, the Norman horse breeders began to breed various types of horses that meet the requirements of the moment. They created two crosses. The first, Anglo-Norman, is divided into two main types – a draft cow and a riding horse; the second type was a frisky draft horse, which was bred specifically in order to satisfy the great demand for horses suitable for racing. Over time, the type of draft horse separated from the main breed and became a French trotter.

It was the frisky Anglo-Norman riding horse that experienced the influence of the Norfolk riding breed, which was almost as great as the influence of the thoroughbred riding breed, served as the prototype of the French mudflow.

Although the two world wars served as a serious reason for the decrease in the number of local Norman mares, the horse breeders managed to maintain some of the best breeding stock. They were able to use purebred riding horses at national stud farms to meet the new demand for quality riding horses that combine agility, stamina and a good jump. The best purebred horse stallions have influenced modern French mudflows, especially Orange Peel, Lord Frey and Ivanhoe. After World War II, the stallions Altimeyt and Furioso influenced this breed. Furioso was bought by Britain after the war for the amount that would now be considered ridiculous.

Currently, horses of this breed are used in show jumping, although the lighter French sel, which contains most of the purebred horse blood, is bred specifically for horse racing called AQPSA.

Most horses of the French French breed are bay, their growth is more than 1.63 m. Until the 1980s. this breed was divided into five classification groups. There are three types of medium horses: small (1.60 m), medium (up to 1.65 m) and large (more than 1.65 m), as well as two heavy types: small (up to 1.63 m) and large (more 1.63 m). In total, 33% of modern French mudflows were produced by thoroughbred stallions; 20% Anglo-Arabian stallions; 45% of the registered stallions of the French Sel breed and 2% of the French trotters. An outstanding example of French sel breed is the wonderful stallion Galoubet, a competitor in show jumping. He was the son of a stallion Alme breed French sel and trotter mare Viti.

Falabella is a breed of horses whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world. Bred in Argentina, active work on fixing the main features of the breed was carried…


The history of origin and features of Bashkir horses
The Bashkir horse breed was known in antiquity by numerous descriptions. It occurred, as it is believed, from the crossing of forest north horses brought from Asia steppes. The breed…


Andalusian horse: description, character and breeding of the breed (part 2)
Breeding and use The breeding of these elite horses continues to be dealt with by private breeders living in Spain. The majority of these purebred stallions are raised in Andalusia.…
