Oryol breed - the pride of Russian horse breeding (part 2)
How did the breed The first breeder of these horses, as mentioned above, was the notorious Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. When he had already resigned, he began to devote all his…

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Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo
The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not…

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Shire (English heavy truck) is a British breed of heavy truck horses. Horses of this breed are tall (165-185 cm at the withers, sometimes up to 219). Shires at different…

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private breeders

French sel

Creation and Development
The history of the modern French seldom breed began in the 19th century in horse breeding areas of Normandy, where local and often rude Norman mares happened to have thoroughbred horse stallions imported from England, as well as English half-blood stallions and stallions of some of the most important Norfolk horse breeding lines. At that time, English half-blood stallions actually had obvious features and character of the Norfolk riding breed.

With their usual insight, the Norman horse breeders began to breed various types of horses that meet the requirements of the moment. They created two crosses. The first, Anglo-Norman, is divided into two main types – a draft cow and a riding horse; the second type was a frisky draft horse, which was bred specifically in order to satisfy the great demand for horses suitable for racing. Over time, the type of draft horse separated from the main breed and became a French trotter. Continue reading

Marvarian horse (part 2)

Breed description

Bouncing marvari
The average growth of marvari is 152-163 cm. Horses originating from different parts of India, as a rule, have a height in the range of 142-173 cm. They can be bay, gray, red, salted and pinto. Despite the fact that white dominant horses are bred in India for religious purposes, they are usually not recorded in the studbook. Gray and pinto horses are considered the most valuable. Ravens are considered unhappy, and their color is a symbol of death and darkness. Horses that have a white mark on their faces and four socks are considered lucky. Continue reading

Oldenburg horse: characteristics, history and characteristics of the breed

Oldenburg breed of horses
The breed was brought to the river in Oldenburg in the eighteenth century and has since been greatly improved; today it is representatives who take part in all European festivities and ceremonies. These horses have a distinctive beauty of soft, gentle nature, and they cope with almost any job in the farm.

Oldenburg horse: characteristics, history and features of the breed Oldenburg horse: characteristics, history and features of the breed

Stallion of Oldenburg breed of white suit Continue reading

Although some believe that only Arabian and English thoroughbred belong to purebred breeds. The remaining breeds are considered warm-blooded or half-blooded. About horses of other breeds, one can say purebred,…


Shire (English heavy truck) is a British breed of heavy truck horses. Horses of this breed are tall (165-185 cm at the withers, sometimes up to 219). Shires at different…


Falabella is a breed of horses whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world. Bred in Argentina, active work on fixing the main features of the breed was carried…
