He left the following description of horses that were used for riding by Ingush mountaineers: “Horses in the mountains are small, but hardy, light on the move” [12, p. 372].…

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Although some believe that only Arabian and English thoroughbred belong to purebred breeds. The remaining breeds are considered warm-blooded or half-blooded. About horses of other breeds, one can say purebred,…

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Friesian breed - elegant Dutch horse (part 2)
Breed history The Friesian horse was bred in the Netherlands, or rather, in Friesland. The first mention of them dates back to the time of the ancient Roman emperor Caesar,…

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American painthorse

American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history is closely linked to quarterback history. Both of these breeds are descendants of horses brought into the New World by Fernando Cortes.

Formed in 1940, the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) registered cowboy-type horses, culling freckles and heavily distinguished ones. In turn, fans of freckles have set up several breeding organizations. In 1962, these organizations merged into the American Paint Horse Association (APHA).

Each Painthorse horse has a certain combination of white and a different color. The most common are horses with white spots in combination with blacks, nests, browns and reds. Less common are horses with small specks. Continue reading

Akhal-Teke - reference riding horse (part 2)
Features Akhal-Teke variety of horses Despite the fact that the Akhal-Teke residents have a rather colorful appearance and characteristic features of the exterior, they also have some individual distinctive features.…


Falabella is a breed of horses whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world. Bred in Argentina, active work on fixing the main features of the breed was carried…


French sel
Creation and Development The history of the modern French seldom breed began in the 19th century in horse breeding areas of Normandy, where local and often rude Norman mares happened…
