Akhal-Teke - reference riding horse (part 2)
Features Akhal-Teke variety of horses Despite the fact that the Akhal-Teke residents have a rather colorful appearance and characteristic features of the exterior, they also have some individual distinctive features.…

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Pride of Russian horse breeding - Vladimir heavy truck
Strong horses were needed in the Middle Ages in order to bear the knight in full armor. Their weight could reach a ton, and height - 2 m. With this…

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Thoroughbred sports horse from Germany - Trakenenskaya (part 1)
The Trakehna breed of horses owed its appearance to the work of East Prussian scholars - breeders, who carried out colossal work to create a strong and hardy horse, whose…

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good cozy stables

American painthorse

American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history is closely linked to quarterback history. Both of these breeds are descendants of horses brought into the New World by Fernando Cortes.

Formed in 1940, the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) registered cowboy-type horses, culling freckles and heavily distinguished ones. In turn, fans of freckles have set up several breeding organizations. In 1962, these organizations merged into the American Paint Horse Association (APHA).

Each Painthorse horse has a certain combination of white and a different color. The most common are horses with white spots in combination with blacks, nests, browns and reds. Less common are horses with small specks. Continue reading


The horse played an important role in the life of Ossetians. In almost all written sources mentioning Ossetians, one can always find reports of their horses [2; 7; 8; 13; fourteen; 16]. Osteological material in the burial places of antiquity and the Middle Ages testifies to the widespread use of horses among the Ossetian ancestors. Ethnographic material demonstrates the important place of a horse among Ossetians during the period of traditional societies [1; 5]. The data of Ossetian linguistics and folklore also indicate the development of horse breeding among Ossetians in the past [15].
The relevance of the topic of this study is determined by the extremely unsatisfactory state of knowledge of the issue of the Ossetian horse. A deep and comprehensive study of the role of the horse in military affairs involves the study of the type of horse that was used by Ossetians in the mountains. In this article, based on various sources, mainly written evidence, we will consider the features of the Ossetian rock breed of the horse and try to illuminate the history of its origin. Continue reading

Thoroughbred sports horse from Germany – Trakenenskaya (part 2)

Like many individuals of warm-blooded breeds, tragenes perfectly combine softness, complaisance with courage and determination in their character.

They are quite active, mobile, efficient, and at the same time they are ready to listen to a person and communicate with him on equal terms. These amazing animals have many wonderful qualities, they are very fast, patient, hardy, physically strong, and at the same time noble and intelligent.

Warm-blooded horses are of European origin and have average weight. If we recall the history of their appearance, then such individuals were bred and adapted for the needs of the army and harmoniously combine in their character swiftness and temper, irresistibility and speed of movement, as well as humility, which is extremely necessary for horses that can be used in the field of agricultural work. horse of the trakenensky breed Continue reading

American painthorse
History American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history…


Ancient breed of horses - Arabian thoroughbred (part 2)
Using The main focus for the Arabian breed of horses is considered to be participating in various competitions. These are exhibitions and shows, smooth races at racetracks, distance runs. Animals…


Budennovskaya breed of horses
A relatively young breed was bred as a result of crossbreeding of Don and Black Sea mares with thoroughbred horse stallions (the Black Sea breed was used by the Cossacks…
