Friesian breed - elegant Dutch horse (part 2)
Breed history The Friesian horse was bred in the Netherlands, or rather, in Friesland. The first mention of them dates back to the time of the ancient Roman emperor Caesar,…

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Oldenburg horse: characteristics, history and characteristics of the breed
Oldenburg breed of horses The breed was brought to the river in Oldenburg in the eighteenth century and has since been greatly improved; today it is representatives who take part…

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Falabella is a breed of horses whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world. Bred in Argentina, active work on fixing the main features of the breed was carried…

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geneticists and inherited


The horse played an important role in the life of Ossetians. In almost all written sources mentioning Ossetians, one can always find reports of their horses [2; 7; 8; 13; fourteen; 16]. Osteological material in the burial places of antiquity and the Middle Ages testifies to the widespread use of horses among the Ossetian ancestors. Ethnographic material demonstrates the important place of a horse among Ossetians during the period of traditional societies [1; 5]. The data of Ossetian linguistics and folklore also indicate the development of horse breeding among Ossetians in the past [15].
The relevance of the topic of this study is determined by the extremely unsatisfactory state of knowledge of the issue of the Ossetian horse. A deep and comprehensive study of the role of the horse in military affairs involves the study of the type of horse that was used by Ossetians in the mountains. In this article, based on various sources, mainly written evidence, we will consider the features of the Ossetian rock breed of the horse and try to illuminate the history of its origin. Continue reading

Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo

The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not only hardworking enough, but also gives a lot of healthy milk. Photo of a Soviet breed horse Genetics created this variety by crossing brabansons and draft horses. Bityugs, Percheron horses, Ardennes, and Suffolks also contributed to the creation of this breed. In the 19th century, Brabansons were brought to Russia, who perfectly suited for the role of working horses, but did not tolerate the country’s changing climate. Therefore, the specialists of the Pochinkovsk and Mordovian factories decided to create the Soviet variety of horses, which were officially recognized in 1952. Continue reading

Budennovskaya breed of horses
A relatively young breed was bred as a result of crossbreeding of Don and Black Sea mares with thoroughbred horse stallions (the Black Sea breed was used by the Cossacks…


French sel
Creation and Development The history of the modern French seldom breed began in the 19th century in horse breeding areas of Normandy, where local and often rude Norman mares happened…


Falabella is a breed of horses whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world. Bred in Argentina, active work on fixing the main features of the breed was carried…
