Akhal-Teke – reference riding horse (part 1)
The Akhal-Teke breed of horses was once so adored by people that in honor of it they created a cult and made this animal the object of their worship. This breed appeared as much as 5 thousand years ago, that is, it has a deep and ancient history of origin. It all started with the fact that the inhabitants of Central Asia wanted to have not only a beautiful, but also a hardy horse, which would have a whole host of positive qualities.
Akhal-Teke variety of horses
The name of this amazing animal consists of the name of the oasis of Akhal and the Tekin tribe, who lived in those years in the aforementioned area. Since its inception, the Akhal-Teke horse has become the most coveted and most valuable gift that could be presented to a person at that time. Continue reading