Russian scientists found out how modern horse breeds appeared
Using cutting-edge DNA research methods, an international research team of archaeologists, geneticists and evolutionary biologists from 85 scientific institutions around the world has collected genomic data that spans the last 42,000 years of horse development and has tracked the contribution of various genetic lines to the formation of modern breeds. horses. The results of the work can be found on the pages of the journal Cell, research supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation.
People tamed a horse about 5.5 thousand years ago, after dogs, cattle and pigs. From the moment they learned to ride, milk horses and control their reproduction, the history of mankind has radically changed. The ways of traveling and developing new territories, transporting goods and conducting military operations have become different. Depending on the region and various needs, people selected animals according to different principles – this is how different breeds of modern domestic horses appeared. Continue reading