Friesian breed - elegant Dutch horse (part 1)
The Friesian horse breed has an easily recognizable exterior. The following parameters are characteristic of this species: the head is quite elongated and large with very expressive eyes. She has…

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Lippitsian horse
Lipitsian (Lipitsan, Lipisan) - a breed of horse-harnessed horses. Growth about 147-157 centimeters, have a light gray color. They have high ability to learn complex tricks with a massive body.…

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Friesian breed - elegant Dutch horse (part 2)
Breed history The Friesian horse was bred in the Netherlands, or rather, in Friesland. The first mention of them dates back to the time of the ancient Roman emperor Caesar,…

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Archaeological material belonging to the Scythian period reflects close contacts between Iranian-speaking nomads and Caucasian tribes. Particularly intense interaction took place in the Central Caucasus. Under the influence of the ancient Iranians, local tribes underwent changes in military affairs. They began to use cavalry in the war, especially in the 7th-6th centuries. BC, during the stay in the open spaces of the North Caucasus Scythians. From time to time, their numerous equestrian squads made successful campaigns from here to the countries of the Near East. During this period, cavalry became the dominant branch of the Caucasian tribes. Together with equestrian battle tactics, Caucasian tribes adopt the horse itself from the Scythians. Part of the Scythians, and in the VI-V centuries. BC. and savromatov, mixed with cobans who lived in the foothills. The presence of nomadic burials in the mountainous regions of the Central Caucasus dating back to the 7th-6th centuries. Continue reading

American painthorse
History American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history…


American curly horse
Folk selection Enterprising farmers decided to cross caught mustangs with their own horses. Soon this initiative was supported by their neighbors. So in the selection process was attended not only…


Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo
The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not…
