Each horse breed has some special qualities and characteristic colors. So, for example, horses of the Budyonnovsky breed are usually red and never black. If a foal is born of…

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Features of the most popular sports breed Hanover (part 2)
Description Outwardly, the Hannover horses have an almost perfect exterior. These are true horse athletes. The features of the English individuals are clearly visible in the breed, with a good…

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Akhal-Teke - reference riding horse (part 1)
The Akhal-Teke breed of horses was once so adored by people that in honor of it they created a cult and made this animal the object of their worship. This…

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Features of the riding Budennovskaya breed of horses (part 2)

The Budyonnovsky breed of horses is grown exclusively in herds. As they graze on limited pastures, wayward and naughty mares are found that interfere with everyone else. Such individuals need to be excluded, because among thoroughbred horses complaisance, intelligence, contact and lack of aggression are appreciated.

Foals from mothers are taken away in October-November. It is noteworthy that young animals born from February to May are weaned at the same time. Before this, the foals need to be milled, but only in a cold way. The brand must have the emblem of the plant, the year of birth of the animal and its individual number.

Budennovskaya breed of horse Continue reading

Features of the most popular sports breed Hanover (part 2)
Description Outwardly, the Hannover horses have an almost perfect exterior. These are true horse athletes. The features of the English individuals are clearly visible in the breed, with a good…


American painthorse
History American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history…


Ancient breed of horses - Arabian thoroughbred (part 1)
Typical features of the Arabian breed of horses: a square head in the forehead with a slightly concave nose bridge, dry build, a curved neck. The ears are thin and…
