Although some believe that only Arabian and English thoroughbred belong to purebred breeds. The remaining breeds are considered warm-blooded or half-blooded. About horses of other breeds, one can say purebred,…

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Features of the riding Budennovskaya breed of horses (part 1)
According to the generally accepted classification, all horses are divided into local, draft and riding breeds. The latter, in turn, are divided into specialized (only for horseback riding) and combined…

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Pegay's favorite American horse suit
Experts believe that the pinto suit appeared a very long time ago, just like the rest of the monochrome ones. Even in ancient Egyptian books you can find illustrations with…

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Although some believe that only Arabian and English thoroughbred belong to purebred breeds. The remaining breeds are considered warm-blooded or half-blooded. About horses of other breeds, one can say purebred, but it is not customary to say purebred.
A bedrock is a breed that can survive in a certain area without interbreeding with other local breeds or breeds brought from abroad.
A heavy truck is a workhorse whose build, muscles and stamina allow you to carry heavy loads. Heavy breed horses are usually large, massive, with a large head and well-muscled muscles. The most famous breeds of this group are barbanson, bred in Belgium; Shire breed bred in England; perchers (French district of Pershi). From domestic breeds – Vladimir heavy truck, Russian heavy truck and Soviet heavy truck. Continue reading

American painthorse
History American painthorse combines the performance of a cowboy horse with a fancy freckle suit. This breed was bred on the basis of quarterbacks and thoroughbred riding horses. Painthorse history…


Story The formation of the breed was influenced by gypsies, who, together with their pinto horses, first appeared on the British Isles in the 15th century. Here gypsy horses mixed…


French sel
Creation and Development The history of the modern French seldom breed began in the 19th century in horse breeding areas of Normandy, where local and often rude Norman mares happened…
