He left the following description of horses that were used for riding by Ingush mountaineers: “Horses in the mountains are small, but hardy, light on the move” [12, p. 372].…

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Hannover horse
About the breed Nowadays, the Hanover half-breed is the most popular sports breed in the world. She can be seen at most international show jumping and dressage competitions. This is…

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The history of origin and features of Bashkir horses
The Bashkir horse breed was known in antiquity by numerous descriptions. It occurred, as it is believed, from the crossing of forest north horses brought from Asia steppes. The breed…

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The horse played an important role in the life of Ossetians. In almost all written sources mentioning Ossetians, one can always find reports of their horses [2; 7; 8; 13; fourteen; 16]. Osteological material in the burial places of antiquity and the Middle Ages testifies to the widespread use of horses among the Ossetian ancestors. Ethnographic material demonstrates the important place of a horse among Ossetians during the period of traditional societies [1; 5]. The data of Ossetian linguistics and folklore also indicate the development of horse breeding among Ossetians in the past [15].
The relevance of the topic of this study is determined by the extremely unsatisfactory state of knowledge of the issue of the Ossetian horse. A deep and comprehensive study of the role of the horse in military affairs involves the study of the type of horse that was used by Ossetians in the mountains. In this article, based on various sources, mainly written evidence, we will consider the features of the Ossetian rock breed of the horse and try to illuminate the history of its origin. Continue reading

Archaeological material belonging to the Scythian period reflects close contacts between Iranian-speaking nomads and Caucasian tribes. Particularly intense interaction took place in the Central Caucasus. Under the influence of the…


Marvarian horse (part 1)
The Marwar horse (Marvari), or Malani, is a rare breed of horse from Marwar, a region in India. Known for its exotic ear shape. They are known for their stamina…


Breed history Haflinger is an old breed of low horses, bred in the mountains of Austria, in Tyrol. The history of the halflinger can be traced back to the Middle…
