Ancient breed of horses - Arabian thoroughbred (part 2)
Using The main focus for the Arabian breed of horses is considered to be participating in various competitions. These are exhibitions and shows, smooth races at racetracks, distance runs. Animals…

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The history of origin and features of Bashkir horses
The Bashkir horse breed was known in antiquity by numerous descriptions. It occurred, as it is believed, from the crossing of forest north horses brought from Asia steppes. The breed…

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Russian heavy truck is an excellent muscular horse
Representatives of this breed are quite frisky and small in comparison with other heavy trucks. Horses have a muscular body, a medium-sized head with a straight profile. The animals have…

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Arab thoroughbred horse


The Mustang is a semi-wild horse of the American prairies.

The Mustangs were the riding horses of the Indians. Different tribes of Indians chose animals of different suits. Cheyenne Indians considered, for example, mustangs with patches on the head of sacred animals with magical properties capable of securing victory in battle. They were called mascots.

The ancestors of the Mustangs were wild horses of Spanish conquerors in America. They were brought here in the sixteenth century. Some of them escaped freedom and adapted to life on the prairies. Continue reading

Features of the riding Budennovskaya breed of horses (part 1)

According to the generally accepted classification, all horses are divided into local, draft and riding breeds. The latter, in turn, are divided into specialized (only for horseback riding) and combined (horse-drawn). The Budennovskaya breed of horses is just of the mixed type.

The centuries-old history of breeding for the “Budyonnovtsy” no. In addition, for the first decades, the breed was intended for the needs of cavalry, and not for sport. In the USSR, these horses were considered ideal for cavalry troops.

Budennovskaya breed of horses Continue reading

Ancient breed of horses – Arabian thoroughbred (part 2)

The main focus for the Arabian breed of horses is considered to be participating in various competitions. These are exhibitions and shows, smooth races at racetracks, distance runs. Animals can ride already from the age of 3 years, and from two tests on racetracks begin. Three times the Soviet “Arabs” won the “Prize of Europe”.

Today, in many Russian hippodromes, you can see the races on the eastern horses. All-Russian “Derby” is held at the Pyatigorsk Hippodrome. The best representatives of the “Arabs” are now bred in Tersk, Pyatigorsk and Moscow stud farms. They are also kept in private households.

Anglo-Arabian horse with a rider Continue reading

Archaeological material belonging to the Scythian period reflects close contacts between Iranian-speaking nomads and Caucasian tribes. Particularly intense interaction took place in the Central Caucasus. Under the influence of the…


Akhal-Teke - reference riding horse (part 1)
The Akhal-Teke breed of horses was once so adored by people that in honor of it they created a cult and made this animal the object of their worship. This…


Lippitsian horse
Lipitsian (Lipitsan, Lipisan) - a breed of horse-harnessed horses. Growth about 147-157 centimeters, have a light gray color. They have high ability to learn complex tricks with a massive body.…
