Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo
The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not…

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Friesian breed - elegant Dutch horse (part 1)
The Friesian horse breed has an easily recognizable exterior. The following parameters are characteristic of this species: the head is quite elongated and large with very expressive eyes. She has…

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German half-breed Holstein breed of horses
This wonderful breed of horses can rightfully be proud of its rather long history. Once such horses were indispensable for riders during the war, because the courage and balanced nature…

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Thoroughbred sports horse from Germany – Trakenenskaya (part 2)

Like many individuals of warm-blooded breeds, tragenes perfectly combine softness, complaisance with courage and determination in their character.

They are quite active, mobile, efficient, and at the same time they are ready to listen to a person and communicate with him on equal terms. These amazing animals have many wonderful qualities, they are very fast, patient, hardy, physically strong, and at the same time noble and intelligent.

Warm-blooded horses are of European origin and have average weight. If we recall the history of their appearance, then such individuals were bred and adapted for the needs of the army and harmoniously combine in their character swiftness and temper, irresistibility and speed of movement, as well as humility, which is extremely necessary for horses that can be used in the field of agricultural work. horse of the trakenensky breed Continue reading

Features of the riding Budennovskaya breed of horses (part 2)
The Budyonnovsky breed of horses is grown exclusively in herds. As they graze on limited pastures, wayward and naughty mares are found that interfere with everyone else. Such individuals need…


Falabella is a breed of horses whose representatives are the smallest horses in the world. Bred in Argentina, active work on fixing the main features of the breed was carried…


Budennovskaya breed of horses
A relatively young breed was bred as a result of crossbreeding of Don and Black Sea mares with thoroughbred horse stallions (the Black Sea breed was used by the Cossacks…
