Breeds of horses for transportation of heavy cargo
The breed of horses The Soviet heavy truck has a lot of advantages that are indispensable for animals, often called to perform heavy physical work. This beautiful horse is not only hardworking enough, but also gives a lot of healthy milk. Photo of a Soviet breed horse Genetics created this variety by crossing brabansons and draft horses. Bityugs, Percheron horses, Ardennes, and Suffolks also contributed to the creation of this breed. In the 19th century, Brabansons were brought to Russia, who perfectly suited for the role of working horses, but did not tolerate the country’s changing climate. Therefore, the specialists of the Pochinkovsk and Mordovian factories decided to create the Soviet variety of horses, which were officially recognized in 1952. Continue reading
Friesian breed – elegant Dutch horse (part 2)
Breed history
The Friesian horse was bred in the Netherlands, or rather, in Friesland. The first mention of them dates back to the time of the ancient Roman emperor Caesar, who described them as horses of the then Germanic tribes.
Friesian horses in harness Today, experts believe that the ancestors of the Frisians are local heavy horse breeds, which were brought by the Celtic conquerors. According to data that has come down to us from the time of the Roman historian Tacitus, the first representatives of the breed were characterized as universal, strong, but not very attractive horses. Continue reading
Friesian breed – elegant Dutch horse (part 1)
The Friesian horse breed has an easily recognizable exterior. The following parameters are characteristic of this species:
the head is quite elongated and large with very expressive eyes. She has a straight profile with short and neat ears;
wide enough nostrils;
a long and muscular neck that has a graceful bend. The extended and developed withers are characteristic;
very powerful shoulders;
strong enough and strong back. It is long and relatively soft;
deep and strong body that has slanting shoulders. The chest is of moderate width;
croup inclined, with a low set tail. Continue reading
Pride of Russian horse breeding – Vladimir heavy truck
Strong horses were needed in the Middle Ages in order to bear the knight in full armor. Their weight could reach a ton, and height – 2 m. With this build, war knightly horses quickly tired and could not jump. Over time, the ancestors of the Vladimir breed, the English Shires, also came from them.
The heavy-duty breed Vladimir heavy truck was created not so long ago. Excretion took place in the Vladimir Opole, where the soil is mainly heavy and difficult to open. For the processing of fields there was a need for strong horses. In addition, horse-drawn transport was needed due to urban growth. All these were prerequisites for the emergence of heavy trucks in the Vladimir region. Continue reading
German half-breed Holstein breed of horses
This wonderful breed of horses can rightfully be proud of its rather long history. Once such horses were indispensable for riders during the war, because the courage and balanced nature of these amazing animals were highly valued. Currently, bright representatives of the breed are used only as sports horses.
Holstein variety of horses
The Holstein breed of horses can be safely called the oldest among all German half-breeds, because it has been mentioned in the literature for several centuries. For example, in the distant 17th century, horses that were bred in this area were very popular among residents of Italy, France, Denmark. In the veins of an old horse – a representative of the Holstein family – the blood of Spanish, German, Neapolitan, Eastern horses flowed. Continue reading